
Entry #5. My opinion about Webquest.

WebQuests are activities, using Internet resources, which encourage students to use higher order thinking skills to solve a real messy problem. WebQuests are a sub-set of Problem-Based Learning. Nowadays Webquest has been very useful in schools, students learn more and have the capacity to solve problems in real context. ADVANTAGES: It creates critical thinking in students. All students from different ages can use Webquest. Students make the time to use it.

Entry #4 Innovative technology education

Entry # 3 What are the uses of a virtual classroom in the Teaching and Learning of ESL / EFL?


Entry #1 The use of Information Communication Technology in the teaching of English in an ESL/EFL classroom.

Hello, my name is Jannet Noemi Marinero, I'm a student from Universidad Tecnologica, and I’m developing the pre-specialization process from the English career.

The topic I'm going to develop is the ICT use in the classroom.

ICT means the use of internet sources to Increase Language Learning.
The modern age "digital age" challenges us to use technology in ways that facilitate language learning.

Teachers have their own roles:

The digital age challenges teachers to use technology in ways that facilitate language learning. ESL/EFL teachers must decide how — and how not — to use technology in the classroom.

Teachers decide what type of technology they are going to use during the development of the class, the way how they are going to use it; everything in the class has to be very well planned, organize and also interesting and dynamic in order that students don't get bored. When teacher use technology responsibly, when they accept that it is okay sometimes to “let the bits go” (Hurst, 2007, p 167), then teachers and students will benefit from technology in its supporting role in the ESL / EFL classroom.

The use of Information Communication Technology has become useful for those teachers who want to get their students' attention, especially when they are learning English as a second language; it is important to involve those students in the environment for them to be very familiar with and can be more interested in the language.

These are some ways to use ICT in ESL/EFL classroom.
* Through websites that offer educational information, where you can find additional topics, new topics related to English language learning.

* Through E-mail lesson, exchange of information with students from other countries.

* Project work that you can help from other educational websites, obtaining information relevant topic.

* Through virtual classrooms.

* Using websites to develop English tests of different levels.

* Through of forums, where many people of different parts of the world share their opinions about teaching/ learning English.

These are some advantages of using ICT in the classroom:

* Increase students’ motivation.

* Students work by their own.

* Minimize pressure and fear.

As a conclusion ICT is one of the most common ways to help the teaching / learning process in ESL /EFL classroom and that had have good results so far.

Communication Technology at the time of teaching English in an ESL /EFL class it is very important because in this way students can have more dynamic and interesting classes and they will learn more. Nowadays as we know we have something new that is called 21st century in which everything related to this is about technology, and new the new generation or "Y generation" they are used to work with technology and for them is easier to understand different things using technology.